Arial Mon Font Install

Somehow it is missing the Arial Regular font and I must have it. Anyone know how I can reinstall it? An option that is NOT viable is doing a system Skip to main content. Lost font: Arial Regular--how can I reinstall it? I just bought a new HP computer w/ Win 7 64 bit. Somehow it is missing the Arial Regular font and I must have it.

  1. Arial, Mon Amour, and Other Font Passions - The New York Times. Simonson, who sells original fonts on his Web site, is the author of an online article called 'The Scourge of Arial.'
  2. Installing a custom font is a simple process on Windows. Option 1: Select Install. Confirm the font files are copied to the computer (not on a portable drive or network folder). Right-Click the font file and select > Install. Windows will do everything and the font is now available to all programs on that computer.
Active9 months ago

How to install arial fonts(particularly) in Ubuntu?

I found many ways to install fonts in Ubuntu but I didn't find any proper way or method to install arial fonts(particularly) in Ubuntu.

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4 Answers

I'm sure, it's a duplicate, anyway.

Simply run

in a terminal.

After that, check with

Currently, there is a problem with sourceforge. The installer can't download the fonts properly.

A.B.Arial mon font installationA.B.
72.3k12 gold badges184 silver badges274 bronze badges

I have been getting LiberationSans-Regular.ttf: 'Liberation Sans' 'Regular' for sudo fc-match Arial

So I tried following to make it work :

1) Create directory to download fonts to: sudo mkdir ~/ms-fonts/

2) cd ~/ms-fonts/

3) Download fonts manually :

4) sudo dpkg-reconfigure ttf-mscorefonts-installer and follow instructions. When asked, use full path to directory where fonts were downloaded i.e. /home/root2/ms-fonts/

5) sudo fc-cache

6) Check if installation is done successfully or not : sudo fc-match Arial

Hope this helps.

Edward Torvalds
5,3307 gold badges43 silver badges84 bronze badges

Since the ttf-mscorefonts-installer mechanism mentioned in the accepted answer is still broken in Ubuntu 18.04 and I could not find a suitable mirror server for it to fix it, I propose to use this manual mechanism instead to install the very same fonts:

Arial Mon Tatah

  1. Install cabextract, a tool needed to unpack self-extracting .exe archives:

  2. Download the font package provided via this page (also note the EULA there):

  3. Unpack, twice:

  4. Move the fonts to your user's directory for installing additional fonts:

  5. Restart the software in which you want to use the fonts, and they should be ready to use.


Do following steps:

  1. Open software manager if its mint or Ubuntu software center if youare using Ubuntu
  2. Search for ttf-mscorefonts
  3. Install it

Arial Mon Font Tatah

d a i s y

Arial Font Download

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Arial Mon Font Install Download

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