Brahms Geistliches Lied Midi Files

Neues Geistliches Lied
Singer and band, a typical group performing contemporary sacred songs
Composed1961 to present
  1. For a list of available choral works sorted alphabetically, see Johannes Brahms compositions. For the composer’s main page, see Johannes Brahms.
  2. For a list of available choral works sorted alphabetically, see Johannes Brahms compositions. For the composer’s main page, see Johannes Brahms. Works by Opus number. L E G E N D Disclaimer How to download; ICON. Geistliches Lied (Lass dich nur nichts nicht dauren) Op. 31, Drei Quartette [Three Vocal Quartets] Wechsellied zum Tanze (1859.

Neues Geistliches Lied (German: [ˈnɔʏəs ˈɡaɪstlɪçəs ˈliːt], spiritual song), abbreviated NGL, is a music genre of songs in German intended for church usage, and based on contemporary lyrics and with music by contemporary composers.

  • 1History


The idea to reach young people by new songs for church services began in the 1950s. The first song in the genre was in 1955 Seigneur, mon ami by Père Duval who performed his religious chansons at the Protestant church assembly Kirchentag in 1962. Christians looked for an expression for reformation of thoughts and liturgy in the churches.[1] The Protestant Evangelische Akademie Tutzing organized competitions, initiated by the minister for students (Studentenpfarrer) in Munich, Günther Hegele. The first competition in 1962 received 996 entries, the first prize went to 'Danke' with text and music by Martin Gotthard Schneider. 'Stern über Bethlehem' was written by Alfred Hans Zoller for the third competition in 1964, and became a common song of the star singers. Musicals by Andrew Lloyd Webber, in 1968 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and in 1970 Jesus Christ Superstar, nourished tendencies to write more new music for young people.

In 1972, Peter Janssens introduced the term Sacropop to Germany, for a fusion of sacred texts and musical styles derived from Pop and Rock. A 2001 study, presented at the Überdiözesane Fachtagung Neues Geistliches Lied reported more than 1895 choirs and bands active in the field of NGL.[1] The songs became an established medium in services. Christoph Kießig of a Berlin band noted: 'Das NGL ist eine der wenigen Stellen, an denen Jugendliche und Erwachsene nicht nur konsumieren.' (The NGL is one of the few fields where adults and young people don't only consume.)[1]René Frank [de] wrote in 2003 that only songs that congregations like to sing in services are truly NGL ('Denn nur was sich bewährt, bleibt in den Gemeinden lebenden und wird als Neues Geistliches Lied praktiziert.').[2] New elements compared to traditional hymns are rhythms with syncopes and stresses on the offbeat, contemporary lyrics, and melodies that can be easily learned.[2]


Free Brahms Geistliches Lied Arr Sir John Eliot Gardiner mp3 Play. Free Brahms Geistliches Lied Op 30 mp3 Play. Free Brahms Geistliches Lied Op 30 Choir Of New College Oxford mp3 Play.

Collections of NGL were for example in 1970 Jericho, edited by Karl Natiesta and Tom Runggaldier, and a year later in Schalom – Ökumenisches Liederbuch (Schalom – Ecumenical songbook).

Josef Mittermair published in 1979 the collection Das Lob (Praise), which tried to represent the bandwidth of spirituals with German texts, chansons by Maurice Cocagnac, Duval, Alfred Flury and Sœur Sourire, the Gen Rosso [de] mass, the Tiroler Jugend- und Kindermessen by Raimund Kreidl, and the mass for children Pfälzer Kindermesse by Hartmut Wortmann [de]. A 14th edition of this song book appeared in 2013.[3]

Other song books have included

  • 1986: Singe Jerusalem [de]
  • 1994: Cantate I, 2007: Cantate II'[4]
  • 2002: Liederquelle [de]
  • 2006: du mit uns [de]
  • 2008: Kindergotteslob – Weil du da bist[5][6]
  • 2011: Junges Gotteslob – Ein Segen sein[7][8]

Several NGL were included in the Protestant hymnal Evangelisches Gesangbuch in 1996, including songs by Clemens Bittlinger, Oskar Gottlieb Blarr, Siegfried Fietz, Kurt Rommel [de], Martin Gotthard Schneider, Manfred Siebald, Peter Strauch [de], Dieter Trautwein, Jürgen Werth [de] and Christoph Zehendner [de]. The second version of the Catholic hymnal Gotteslob has included NGL in its main section from 2013.

Initiative in Limburg[edit]

The Catholic Diocese of Limburg established in 1971 a work group for church music and youth (Arbeitskreis Kirchenmusik und Jugendseelsorge im Bistum Limburg. It established means of publication to familiarize congregations and musicians with new songs.[9] Members have included Horst Christill [de], Patrick Dehm, Eugen Eckert, Dietmar Fischenich, Winfried Heurich, Joachim Raabe and Peter Reulein. A new group has been dedicated especially to NGL.[10]

The group initiated more than books for choir books and song books, including:

  • 1994 Vom Leben singen, choir book, 188 songs
  • 1999 die Zeit färben, choir and band book, 161 songs
  • 2003 Lass dein Licht leuchten, choir book, 103 songs
  • 2008 Weil du da bist – Kinder-Gotteslob, song book, 380 songs
  • 2009 Weil der Himmel uns braucht, choir and band book, 200 songs
  • 2011 Junges Gotteslob – Ein Segen sein, song book, 720 songs


  • Peter Hahnen: Das Neue Geistliche Lied als zeitgenössische Komponente christlicher Spiritualität. 2nd ed, LIT-Verlag, Münster 2003, ISBN3-8258-3679-7.
  • Peter Hahnen: Liederzünden! Theologie und Geschichte des Neuen Geistlichen Liedes. Lahn-Verlag/Haus Altenberg, Kevelaer/Düsseldorf 2009, ISBN978-3-7840-3433-1.
  • Dorothea Monninger (ed.): Neue Geistliche Lieder. Töne – Texte – Temperamente. Arbeitsstelle Gottesdienst der EKD, Informations- und Korrespondenzblatt, 16th year, issue 2 (2002).
  • Peter Deckert: Literatur zum Neuen Geistlichen Lied. Bücher, Zeitschriftenartikel, collected references from thesises related to 'Neues Geistliches Lied (NGL) – Sacro-Pop – Religiöse Popularmusik“. Köln 1975–2016.
  • Bernward Hofmann (collection): Troubadour für Gott – Neue Geistliche Lieder. 6. Auflage. Kolping-Bildungswerk Diözesanverband Würzburg e.V., Würzburg 1999.
  • Peter Bubmann: Das 'Neue Geistliche Lied' als Ausdrucksmedium religiöser Milieus. In: Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History 7 (2010), pp 460–468.


  1. ^ abcHahnen, Peter (2010). Zur Lage des Neuen Geistlichen Liedes und der Christlichen Popularmusik. Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie (in German). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. pp. 196–212. Retrieved 28 October 2016.
  2. ^ abFrank, René (2003). Das Neue Geistliche Lied. Das Neue Geistliche Lied – Neue Impulse für die Kirchenmusik (in German). Marburg: Tectum. pp. 196–212. ISBN9783828885738. Retrieved 29 October 2016.
  3. ^'Das Lob / Liederbuch mit geistlichen Liedern' (in German). Josef & Maria Mittermair. Retrieved 28 October 2016.
  4. ^Werkstatt Neues Geistliches Lied, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bamberg
  5. ^'Kindergotteslob 'Weil du da bist'' (in German). Dehm-Verlag. 2008. Retrieved 28 October 2016.
  6. ^''Weil du da bist' Kindergotteslob'(PDF) (in German). Retrieved 28 October 2016.
  7. ^'Ein Segen sein – Junges Gotteslob' (in German). Dehm-Verlag. Retrieved 28 October 2016.
  8. ^'Neue Geistliche Lieder zu kirchlichen Festen / Junges Gotteslob' (in German). Retrieved 28 October 2016.
  9. ^'Begeisterung für neue Kirchenmusik / 150 Teilnehmer beim Tag des Neuen Geistlichen Liedes' (in German). Diocese of Limburg. 3 May 2012. Archived from the original on 2016-04-02. Retrieved 28 October 2016.
  10. ^'Arbeitskreis 'Neues Geistliches Lied' im Bistum Limburg' (in German). Diocese of Limburg. Archived from the original on 2016-10-30. Retrieved 29 October 2016.

External links[edit]

  • Dokumentation 'Neues geistliches Lied' (in German) Evangelische Kirche von Kurhessen-Waldeck. Landeskirchliches Archiv
  • Hitparade der Jungen Gemeinde (Folge 1) / 10 Klassiker der Evangelischen Jugend Philipp Greifenstein 2013
Retrieved from ''

Orchestral music

Geistliches lied translation


Symphony No. 2 in D major, Op. 73 (1877)
» MIDI | 1. Allegro non troppo
» MIDI | 2. Adagio non troppo
» MIDI | 3. Allegretto grazioso (quasi andantino)
» MIDI | 4. Allegro con spirito

Sequences by © Jean-François Lucarelli

Symphony No. 3 in F major, Op. 90 (1893)
» MIDI | 1. Allegro con brio
» MIDI | 2. Andante
» MIDI | 3. Poco Allegretto
» MIDI | 4. Allegro

Sequences by © Jean-François Lucarelli

» MIDI | Variations on a Theme by Haydn in B flat major, Op. 56a (1873)


» MIDI | Thema. Chorale St. Antoni. Andante
» MIDI | Variation I. Poco più animato
» MIDI | Variation II. Più vivace
» MIDI | Variation III. Con moto
» MIDI | Variation IV. Andante con moto
» MIDI | Variation V. Vivace
» MIDI | Variation VI. Vivace
» MIDI | Variation VII. Grazioso
» MIDI | Variation VIII. Presto non troppo
» MIDI | Finale. Andante

Sequences by © Reinier B. Bakels

See also: the Symphonies (as piano Transcriptions)


Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45 (1868)
» MIDI | 1. Selig sind, die da Leid tragen (Matth. 5, 4)
» MIDI | 2. Denn alles Fleisch, es ist wie Gras (Petri I, 24)
» MIDI | 3. Herr, Lehre doch mich (Psalm 39, 5)
» MIDI | 4. Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen (Psalm 84, 2)
» MIDI | 5. Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit (Joh. 16, 22)
» MIDI | 6. Denn wir haben hie keine bleibende Statt (Hebr. 13, 14)
» MIDI | 7. Selig sind die Toten (Offenb. Joh. 14, 13)

Sequences by © M. Petri, thanks to Julia Hamilton


Piano Concerto No. 1 in d minor, Op. 15 (1859)
» MIDI | 1. Maestoso
» MIDI | 2. Adagio
» MIDI | 3. Rondò (Allegro non troppo)

Sequences by © Jean-François Lucarelli

Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 77 (1878)
» MIDI | 1. Allegro non troppo

Sequences by © unknown Author


» MIDI | Overture for an Academic Festival, Op. 80 (1880)
» MIDI | Tragic Overture, Op. 81 (1880)

Sequences by © Jean-François Lucarelli

Transcription for piano 4-hands:

Symphony No. 1 in c minor, Op. 68 (1876, première)
» MIDI | 1. Un poco sostenuto
» MIDI | 2. Andante
» MIDI | 3. Poco allegretto e grazioso
» MIDI | 4. Adagio

Sequences by © Segundo G. Yogore

Symphony No. 2 in D major, Op. 73 (1877)
» MIDI | 1. Allegro non troppo
» MIDI | 2. Adagio non troppo
» MIDI | 3. Allegretto grazioso (quasi andantino)
» MIDI | 4. Allegro con spirito

Sequences by © Segundo G. Yogore

Symphony No. 3 in F major, Op. 90 (1883)
» MIDI | 1. Allegro con brio
» MIDI | 2. Andante
» MIDI | 3. Poco Allegretto
» MIDI | 4. Allegro

Brahms Geistliches Lied Midi Files

Sequences by © Segundo G. Yogore

Symphony No. 4 in e minor, Op. 98 (1885)
» MIDI | 1. Allegro non troppo
» MIDI | 2. Andante moderato
» MIDI | 3. Allegro giocoso
» MIDI | 4. Allegro energico e passionato

Sequences by © Segundo G. Yogore

Piano Concerto No. 1 in d minor, Op. 15 (1859)
» MIDI | 1. Maestoso
» MIDI | 2. Adagio
» MIDI | 3. Rondò (Allegro non troppo)

Sequences by © Warren Pepperdine

Chamber music

Strings Trios, Quartets...:

String quartets, Op. 51 (1873)
» MIDI | 1. String quartet in c minor
» MIDI | 2. String quartet in a minor

Chamber music collection by (cc)

» MIDI | String quartet in B flat major, Op. 67 (1876)

Chamber music collection by (cc)

» MIDI | Sextet for 2 violins, 2 violas and 2 cellos in G major, Op. 36

Chamber music collection by (cc)

Violin Sonatas:

» MIDI | Sonata for violin and piano in G major, Op. 78 (1878)
» MIDI | Sonata for violin and piano in A major, Op. 100 (1886)
» MIDI | Sonata for violin and piano in d minor, Op. 108 (1889)

Chamber music collection by (cc)

Cello Sonatas:

» MIDI | Sonata for cello and piano in e minor, Op. 38 (1862-65)
» MIDI | Sonata for cello and piano in F major, Op. 99 (1886)

Chamber music collection by (cc)

Other works:

» MIDI | Trio for violin, horn and piano in E flat major, Op. 40 (1865)

» MIDI | Trio for clarinet, cello and piano in a minor, Op. 114 (1891)

Chamber music collection by (cc)

» MIDI | Quintet for clarinet and string quartet in b minor, Op. 115 (1891)

Chamber music collection by (cc)

Sonatas for clarinet and piano, Op. 120 (?)
» MIDI | 1. Sonata in f minor
» MIDI | 2. Sonata in E flat major

Chamber music collection by (cc)

Quintet with clarinet in D major, Op. 115 (1891)
» MIDI | 1. Allegro
» MIDI | 2. Adagio
» MIDI | 3. Andantino, Presto
» MIDI | 4. Vivace

Sequences by © Reinier B. Bakels

Piano music

Piano Sonatas:

» MIDI | Piano sonata No. 1 in C major, Op. 1 (1852)
» MIDI | Piano sonata No. 2 in f sharp minor, Op. 2 (1852)
» MIDI | Piano sonata No. 3 in f minor, Op. 5 (1853)

Sequences by © Bunji Hisamori

Sonate f-Moll für 2 Klaviere Op. 34b (1864)
Bearbeitung für Klavier vierhändig
» MIDI | 1. Allegro non troppo
» MIDI | 2. Andante, un poco Adagio
» MIDI | 3. Scherzo - Allegro
» MIDI | 4. Finale: Poco sostenuto - Allegro non troppo

(Outstanding!) sequence by © Thomas Lefeldt


» MIDI | Scherzo in e flat minor Op. 4 (1851)

Sequences by © Bunji Hisamori

Ballades Op. 10 (1854)
» MIDI | 1. Ballade in d minor
» MIDI | 2. Ballade in D major
» MIDI | 3. Ballade in b minor
» MIDI | 4. Ballade in B major

Sequences by © Jeruen E. Dery

» MIDI | Rhapsody in b minor, Op. 79 No. 1 (1879)

Live and sequenced (quality) by © Dr. Ron Lubetsky

Vier Klavierstücke Op. 119 (1893)
» MIDI | 1. Intermezzo in h minor
» MIDI | 2. Intermezzo in e minor
» MIDI | 3. Intermezzo in C major
» MIDI | 4. Rhapsodie in E flat major

(Outstanding!) sequence by © Thomas Lefeldt

Piano rolls:

» MIDI | Ballade in D major, Op. 10 No. 2 (1854)
» MIDI | Capriccio in b minor, Op. 76 No. 2 (1878) *

Ampico (live) recording, piano: Frederich Lamond
* Ampico (live) recording, piano: Arthur Rubinstein

Hungarian Dances:

Hungarian Dances [21], for piano 4-hands, WoO 1 (1869)
» MIDI | 1. Hungarian Dance in g minor
» MIDI | 2. Hungarian Dance in d minor
» MIDI | 3. Hungarian Dance in F major
» MIDI | 4. Hungarian Dance in f minor
» MIDI | 5. Hungarian Dance in f sharp minor
» MIDI | 6. Hungarian Dance in D flat major
» MIDI | 7. Hungarian Dance in A major
» MIDI | 8. Hungarian Dance in a minor
» MIDI | 9. Hungarian Dance in e minor
» MIDI | 10. Hungarian Dance in E major
» MIDI | 11. Hungarian Dance in d minor
» MIDI | 12. Hungarian Dance in d minor
» MIDI | 13. Hungarian Dance in D major
» MIDI | 14. Hungarian Dance in d minor
» MIDI | 15. Hungarian Dance in B flat major
» MIDI | 16. Hungarian Dance in f minor
» MIDI | 17. Hungarian Dance in f sharp minor
» MIDI | 18. Hungarian Dance in D major
» MIDI | 19. Hungarian Dance in b minor
» MIDI | 20. Hungarian Dance in e minor
» MIDI | 21. Hungarian Dance in e minor

Sequences by © Segundo G. Yogore

Piano rolls:

Hungarian Dances [21], for piano 4-hands, WoO 1 (1869)
» MIDI | 5. Hungarian Dance in f sharp minor *
» MIDI | 5. Hungarian Dance in f sharp minor [for piano 4-hands, II p. only] °
» MIDI | 9. Hungarian Dance in e minor **

* Duo-Art (live) recording, piano: Harold Bauer
° Duo-Art (live) recording, piano: Mme. Sturkow-Ryder
** Deluxe (Welte) (live) recording, piano: Richard Singer

Geistliches Lied Op 30


Waltzes, transcription for piano 4-hands, Op. 39 (1865)
» MIDI | 1. Waltzer in B major
» MIDI | 2. Waltzer in E major
» MIDI | 3. Waltzer in g sharp minor
» MIDI | 4. Waltzer in e minor
» MIDI | 5. Waltzer in E major
» MIDI | 6. Waltzer in C sharp major
» MIDI | 7. Waltzer in c sharp minor
» MIDI | 8. Waltzer in B flat major
» MIDI | 9. Waltzer in d minor
» MIDI | 10. Waltzer in G major
» MIDI | 11. Waltzer in b minor
» MIDI | 12. Waltzer in E major
» MIDI | 13. Waltzer in C major
» MIDI | 14. Waltzer in a minor
» MIDI | 15. Waltzer in A major
» MIDI | 16. Waltzer in d minor

Sequences by © Segundo G. Yogore

Piano rolls or live recordings:

Waltzes, transcription for piano 4-hands, Op. 39 (1865)
» MIDI | Waltzes: No. 2 in E major, No. 15 in A major
» MIDI | Waltzes: No. 1 in B major, No. 2 in E major, No. 14 in a minor, No. 16 in d minor, No. 13 in C major
» MIDI | Waltzes: No. 5 in E major, No. 6 in C sharp major, No. 15 in A major *

Duo-Art (live) recording, piano: David Campbell
* Ampico (live) recording, piano: Benno Moiseiwitsch

The Piano Variations (2 or 4 hands):

» MIDI | Variations on a Theme by Robert Schumann in F sharp minor, Op. 9 (1854)
» MIDI | Variations on a original Theme in D major, Op. 21 n. 1 (1856-57)
» MIDI | Variations on a Hungarian Theme in D major, Op. 21 n. 2 (1853-60?)

Sequences by © Bunji Hisamori

Brahms Geistliches Lied New College Of Oxford

» MIDI | Variations on a Theme by Robert Schumann for piano 4 hands in E flat major, Op. 23 (1861?)

Sequences by © Warren Pepperdine

» MIDI | Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel in B flat major, Op. 24 (1861)
» MIDI | Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel in B flat major, Op. 24 (1861) *
» MIDI | Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel in B flat major, Op. 24 (1861) °

Sequences by © Bunji Hisamori
* Sequence by © Peter Wolfe
° Arrangement (for orchestra) and sequence by © James Karageanes

Variations on a Theme by Paganini [2 books] in a minor, Op. 35 (1862, 1863)
» MIDI | Variations Op. 35a, 1st book (1863)
» MIDI | Variations Op. 35b, 2nd book (1863)

Sequences by © Warren Pepperdine

» MIDI | Variations on a Theme by Haydn for two pianos [MIDI transcription only] in B flat major, Op. 56b (1873)

Sequences by © Reinier B. Bakels

Piano rolls:

» MIDI | Variations on a Theme by Paganini [1st book] in a minor, Op. 35 (1862)

Ampico (live) recording, piano: Wilhelm Bachaus


» MIDI | Gavotte (composed by Gluck)

Ampico! recording, piano: Mischa Levitski

Organ works


Brahms Geistliches Lied Midi Files Free

Eleven Chorale-Preludes, Op. 122 (1896, posth.)
» MIDI | 2. Herzliebster Jesu
» MIDI | 5. Schmucke dich, o liebe Seele
» MIDI | 6. O wie selig seid Ihr Doch
» MIDI | 7. Oh Gott, du frommer Gott
» MIDI | 8. Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen
» MIDI | 9. Herzlich tut mich verlangen

Brahms Geistliches Lied Lyrics

Live by © Raffaele Diodati - Sound Canvas required!

Other pieces:

» MIDI | Prelude and Fugue in g minor (1880)

Played live by © Federico Borsari on/for SCPOP MIDI

Youtube Brahms Geistliches Lied

List of fugues:
Fugue in A flat major (1880)
Preludes and Fugues [2, a minor, g minor] (1880)
Choralvorspiel und Fuge über O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleidt (pub. 1882)

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