Unity 3d Car Script Files Matlab

  1. Connection between Matlab and Unity3D. Learn more about optimization, using ga.
  2. Select File > Export to.FBX, and enter the same name you gave the UV map. Your model is complete! You've scanned in your head, reduced the polycount, cleaned up the model, and exported it as a 3D model ready to use in other applications. In a future tutorial, we'll import this 3D mesh into Unity, and look at how it could be used in.
Active4 years, 11 months ago

Sim Traffic Official Website. Posted by simtraffic team. The users will manage the traffic and make sure that the number of cars that have waited for too long and that have crashed does not exceed the preset limit for each level within a certain time period. You need to make or edit the crontab file to run your build and test scripts.

I want to create a terrain-like 3D noise generator and after doing some research I came to the conclusion that Simplex Noise is by far the best type of noise to do this.

I find the name quite misleading though as I have a lot of trouble finding resources on the subject and the resources I find are often not well written.

What I am basically looking for is a good resource/tutorial explaining step by step how simplex noise works, and explains how to implement that into a program.

I am not looking for resources explaining how to use a library or something.

Jeroen Bollen
Jeroen BollenJeroen Bollen
4,9678 gold badges37 silver badges85 bronze badges

closed as off-topic by UndoMay 8 '16 at 1:39

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  • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.' – Undo
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1 Answer

In lue of a tutorial recommendation I will attempt to explain how to use an existing java source that creates a single octave of simplex noise.

Simplex noise code

This part of the code was created by Stefan Gustavson and was placed in the public domain. It can be found here. It is quoted here for convinience

Frankly I consider this whole class to be a black box with a public constructor public SimplexNoise_octave(int seed), and 3 public methods public double noise(double xin, double yin), public double noise(double xin, double yin, double zin) and public double noise(double x, double y, double z, double w).

You can use these methods exactly as you would the perlin noise equivalents.

Create 1 SimplexNoise_octave for each octave you want, each should have its own seed


Call to get the particular noise value for that octave at those co-ordinates. Note; the co-ordinates should be pre-scaled (more later). The other noise functions are the same but for higher dimentions.

Creating Octaves

Just like in perlin noise you will in general combine several octaves of noise to create fractal noise (which gives you terrain like features). Note that 3D terrain heights are created by 2D noise.

Several octaves are combined using the following ratios

For each octave (i) you divide the input co-ordinates by frequency and multiply the result by amplitude; this gives a terrain like appearance. Persistence is used to affect the appearance of the terrain, high persistance (towards 1) gives rocky mountainous terrain. low persistance (towards 0) gives slowly varying flat terrain. See the tag page for more details.

An example of how this could be used is shown below:

This creates octaves that give features of size between 1 and largestFeature, I found this to be useful but theres nothing special about 1 being the smallest size and you could modify this. It outputs between -1 and 1, scale as needed.


An example main method that would use this class is as follows

This method makes use of my own ImageWriter class just to render the output to a file

Richard TingleRichard Tingle
13.5k5 gold badges43 silver badges65 bronze badges
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